Growth and development of Chrysanthemum × hortorum W. Mill. cultivars in terms of introduction in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine




biomorphological peculiarities, Chrysanthemum × hortorum, leaves, inflorescence, cultivars, introduction


Aim. The research aimed at revealing the patterns of growth and development as well as biomorphological peculiarities of the Chrysanthemum×hortorum cultivars introduced in conditions of the Right Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research had been done during the vegetative season of 2018 in the National Dendrological park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine. The objects of the research were the following cultivars Chrysanthemum×hortorum — ‘Мolfretta Pink’, ‘Linda’, ‘Daphne White’, ‘Venus Galatі’, ‘Okura Red’, ‘Belgo Lilac’, ‘Molfretta Orange’, ‘Ida’, ‘Distino Orange’, ‘Paularo Lilac’, ‘Ceus’, ‘Pryntsesa Diana’, ‘Olina’, ‘Trubadur’, which were grown on research-introductive plot. Results. As a result of the research, we found out that the vegetative period lasted 211–240 days, blooming period continued 31–68 days. The cultivars passed all phases of development except phase of fructification in the introduction condition in Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Conclusion. The following phases had been taking place in the development of plants of Ch.×hortorum cultivars: regrowth, growth of vegetative organs, budding, flowering, dying of the aerial part. The fruiting phase in the plants of the studied cultivars was absent.


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How to Cite

Burmistrova, N. (2019). Growth and development of Chrysanthemum × hortorum W. Mill. cultivars in terms of introduction in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine. Journal of Native and Alien Plant Studies, (15), 18–26.


