Roses in rural estates in Ukraine: past and present
Rosa L., assortment, traditional rural estate, rural green tourism, environmentally friendly land useAbstract
Aim. In the conditions of development of rural green tourism, the settlements with the original architectural style of buildings close to the traditional one for a given territory are considered the most attractive. The purpose of the study was to define the assortment of roses for use in landscaping rural hospitable estates. Methods. The research had been conducted based on the field studies of the collection of the National dendrological park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine using biometric, comparative morphological and statistical methods. Results. The rose had been used in gardens since the 18th century on the territory of Ukraine. Probably, they were cold-resistant hybrids and decorative forms of various species of wild rose. When selecting roses for estates stylized as traditional rural farms, criteria of hardiness, vigour of growth and ease of care had been used. It was found that Shrub roses (including English roses by David Austin selection, which are characterized by almost uninterrupted flowering inherent in modern roses, the shape of the flower and aroma of old roses) displayed sufficient hardiness in the natural and climatic conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine. They were able to restore their crowns after wintering every year. The article presented an assortment of roses that had been tested in the NDP “Sofiyivka” and could be recommended for use in decorating traditional rural estates. Guidance for agrotechnical measures had been developed. Those measures, contributing to the processes of growth, development and ensuring high flowering performance, met the requirements of environmentally friendly land use. Conclusions. The rose had been the element of rural estates gardening in Ukraine since the 18th century. The collection funds of the NDP “Sofiyivka” contain a wide range of both species and modern roses. They can be used for improvement and landscaping of objects that are created in the style of a traditional rural estate, and also meet modern requirements.References
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