Biodiversity as the fundamental of plant population viability
adaptiogenesis, anthropization of the environmen, anthropogenic pressure, homeostasis, sex differentiation, environment, natural selection, reproductive potential, selectivity, phenotypic plasticity.Abstract
Aim. The article is aimed at conducting the retrospective analysis and information generalization on environmental and social problems of the conservation of the planetary biota diversity, in particular regarding the viability of plant populations as its basic component. Methods. The historical aspects of biodiversity and the evolution of perception by the world community had been studied within the framework of a retrospective discourse analysis of experimental and theoretical research conducted in different countries by scholars from different scientific schools. We used hypothetical and deductive methods, considering that only living systems are characterized by interrelated and largely interdependent processes of individual and historical development. Results. Key events and processes affecting global environmental change and the effectiveness of international and national biodiversity conservation programs, in particular concerning plant populations, had been revealed. The following issues had been discussed: display regularities of adaptive and significant features in natural populations; estimation of phenotypic plasticity levels caused by the realization of the genotype in the phenotype depending on the homo- or heterozygous state of the gene(s) and many exo- and endogenous effects; the importance of double fertilization and the reciprocal effects of hybrid individuals adaptability, in particular in realizing the potential of cytoplasmic heredity of male generative cells; the effects of adaptation syndrome as a basis for the effectiveness of evolution and stress interdependence and adaptation to them; the role of biotic diversity components as a basis for the viability of plant populations, parameters of reproductive potential, shifting the sex ratio in natural populations of flowering plants. Conclusions. The anthropization of the environment, accompanied by progressive globalization, significantly changes the natural ecological status and dramatically affects its vegetation. Therefore, the following special measures can provide the richness of planetary flora as a core of human existence values: measures aimed at maintaining variable populations of native species in all their diversity, the preservation of the most valuable autochthonous nucleus, scientifically justified involvement of heterochthonous replenishment and minimization of contradictions between ecological integrity and economically diverse activity.
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