Revised reconstruction project of Pinophyta plantation of new coniferetum at the Dendrological Park «Askania-Nova»
collection, arboretum, taxonomic composition, cultivar, biomorpha.Abstract
Aim. The aim of the article is to reveal the development project for restoring and reconstruction of misaligned and overripe plantations of the new coniferetum of the Dendrological Park «Askania-Nova». Materials and Methods. The stands of trees were studied by satellite navigation and their electronic map was made. A taxonomic composition, a phytocoenotic structure and landscape-spatial organization of the coniferetum’s plantations had been analyzed. The changes of these indices were shown in retrospective review. Results. The concept of reconstruction which foresees the creation of new collections of generic complexes Tsuga, Cedrus, Ephedra, Thujopsis, preservation of the modern landscape-spatial organization of Pinaceae, Taxodiaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Cupressaceae collections, and their significant enrichment had been proposed. The main and additional assortment of plants was selected. It contained 180 taxa, 88 species and 92 cultivars (forms), 18 genera of 8 families. Conclusions. The implementation of the reconstruction project will provide for the long-term functioning of the gymnosperm collection in a composition of the Dendrological Park “Askania-Nova».
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