Peculiarities of Liriodendron tulipifera L. propagation by layers in the conditions of the National dendrological park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine
vegetative reproduction, decomposition of bent shoots in the hole, horizontal offshoots, growth stimulator, degree of rooting.Abstract
Aim. Investigation of the peculiarities of vegetative propagation by layers of decorative-valuable introduent L. tulipifera is determined by the necessity of preservation and wide introduction of plants of this species in ornamental horticulture. Methods. To assess the qualitative and quantitative success of L. tulipifera propagation by layers, the degree of rooting and the average yield of plants from the layer had been defined by the five-point method of N. K. Vekhov (Vekhov, 1954). Results. L. tulipifera plants are characterized by a weak degree of rooting of the layers, with the formation of two weakly branched roots. After planting it is obligatory to trim the ½ ground part. All plantings planted to cultivate L. tulipifera representatives were characterized by successful growth and development. Conclusions. Successful results of L. tulipifera propagation by layers made it possible to shorten the terms of the entry beginning into the reproductive phase of the received plants, as well as to reduce their size, which is a positive feature for ornamental horticulture.References
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