The results of the desert-candles introduction in the Dendrological park «Askania-Nova»
Eremurus Bieb., introductory test, the south steppe of Ukraine, seasonal rhythmics, seed productivity.Abstract
Aim. Desert-candles belong to one of the most original and interesting objects for the landscaping but they are not used enough in the south steppe region of Ukraine. Therefore, the article aimed at conducting the introduced study and evaluating prospects for flowering of the following three Asian species of this genus — Eremurus himalaicus Baker, E. stenophyllus (Boiss. et Buhse) Baker, E. olgae Regel. Materials and Methods. Seasonal rhythmic was studied by the traditional method of phenological observations, using the classification of V. M. Golubiev; morphological features — according to the developments of A. A. Fedorov with co-authors; decorative qualities — by a scale of Ye. M. Yegorova; seed productivity — by A. M. Shmaraieva with co-authors; the success of the introduction — according to the method of V. V. Bakanova. Results. To evaluate the success of the introduction of Eremours species in the south steppe region, the following indicators had been analyzed: development of vegetative organs, regularity of flowering and fruiting, seed productivity, winter and drought resistance, ability to self-dispersal. As a result, they relate to plants that are resistant to local conditions, with a 6-point rating by the 7-point scale of V. V. Bakanova, because mass dispersal is unusual for them. Conclusions. The success of the experimental species introduction is estimated to be high. They have considerable potential for use in flower growing and landscaping in the southern region of Ukraine.
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