The resource potential of different cultivars apple trees of Vs. M. Krutovsky collection
apple, fruiting, variability, the lay form, the open form, Botanical Garden, Siberia.Abstract
Aim. Information about the resource potential of apple trees that are growing in the Botanical Garden named afterVs. M. Krutovsky in a suburban area of Krasnoyarsk was given. Garden collection was of great interest to study, especially the characteristics of fruiting crabapple in conditions of Siberia. Vs. M. Krutovsky had developed a method of growing trees in trailing “Arctic” form and applied it since 1905. The study had been conducted in order to compare the productivity of Apple trees growing in creeping and open forms. Materials and Methods. The collection of Apple trees represented by 39 cultivars of Russian and foreign breeding. Apple tree grew in creeping and open (natively, without clipping the Crown) forms. Trees of those cultivars adapted to the conditions of Siberia and over the past 30 years, creeping apple trees had a height of 1.0–1.5 m, the open forms — he height of 3–5 meters, many of them did not freeze without Crown formation. To compare, the winter cultivar Bismarck and summer ones — Grushovka moskovskaya, Zolotoy ship, Papirovka were taken. Yield trees and fruit weight had been analyzed. Results. Trees of cultivar Bismarck differed by the greatest yield and larger fruits at cultivation of both creeping and open forms. Fruit weight was the following: trees cultivar Bismarck — 110.8g, Grushovka moskovskaya — 59.7 g, Zolotoy ship — 57.9 g, Papirovka — 85.2 g. Apple trees growing in open form formed more fruits than lay forms. Excess was amounted to 50.6%. Conclusions. In order to enhance the ability of the appropriate resource it was necessary to grow trees of that cultivars in an open form in the suburban area of Krasnoyarsk.
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