Features of the species composition of phytocenoses in the botanical and geographical plot «Caucasus» of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv)


  • Svitlana Didenko
  • Oleksandr Shynder




biodiversity, introduced plants, adventitious plants, flora of the Caucasus.


Aim. The aim of the article is to establish historical patterns of floro-complexes formation in the Caucasus area; carry out a comprehensive inventory of the species composition of plants both at individual sites and at the site as a whole; analyze the stability of cultural phytocoenosis in individual species depending on the immigration structure of their species composition. Methods. For the aim of the study, the species analyzed were divided into 5 immigration groups: «IC» – species that are within the natural flora of the Caucasus (and are predominantly in the area of Caucasian origin introductions); «IO» – other introduced species that are not part of the natural flora of the Caucasus but have been planted on the site for various reasons; «N» – native species, absent in the natural flora of the Caucasus; «kse» – adventitious species, ksenophytes; «erg» – alien species, escaped plants (ergasiophytes). Results. The flora and its constituents (immigration groups) of the Caucasus botanical-geographical area have been investigated. Their analysis is carried out both for individual sections and for the site as a whole. Conclusions. The species composition is characterized by relatively high diversity, and crop phytocenoses, in which the proportion of introductions is high and predominates over the proportion of adventitious and native plant species (provided that the species composition is sufficiently complete) are considered mature. Those cultural phytocoenosis, in which the share of introductions is less than 30%, are impractical to consider formed.


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How to Cite

Didenko, S., & Shynder, O. (2020). Features of the species composition of phytocenoses in the botanical and geographical plot «Caucasus» of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv). Journal of Native and Alien Plant Studies, (16), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.37555/2707-3114.16.2020.219814


