Peculiarities of the reproductive biology of the genus Malus Mill.
biology of plant propagation, ploidy, gametophytic self-incompatibility, apomixis, hybridization, species, adaptivity, reproductive strategy.Abstract
Aim. The necessity to generalize information from the literature as to the features of Malus spp. reproductive biology caused by the prospects of using apple trees as a valuable plant and associated with the development of the effective methods of reproduction in terms of the biodiversity conservation problem, enriching the range of ornamental woody plants, introduction and selection. Methods. In the process of analysis and synthesis of available scientific information on the reproductive biology of the genus Malus, the interconnected and interdependent processes of reproduction in general and the development of individual reproductive organs with phylogenetic, biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors are generalized. Results. The main characteristics of the generative sphere and the factors, influencing the manifestation of the reproductive function of Malus spp. both in natural areas and the conditions of introduction had been revealed. An attempt is made to find and explain the differences in the realization of reproductive potential within the genus. The need to take into account ecology and evolution in the study of reproductive processes Malus spp. at the level of individual organisms, populations and species are emphasized. Conclusions. Critical aspects of the reproductive biology of the genus Malus are allogamy and gametophytic self-incompatibility, with some differences in the realization of reproductive potential due to polyploidy, facultative apomixis, self-incompatibility and hybridization, which will contribute to the development of effective methods of ornamental species and varieties of apple trees reproduction.
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