Useful plants of the tropics and subtropics and ethnocultural traditions of their use
trees, fruits, vegetables, food, religious rites, fairy tales, myths, legends.Abstract
Aim. The article aims to make a review of useful plants in the tropics and subtropics in the light of the ethnocultural traditions of different people; give information on their use; present the most interesting legends and tales associated with them. Main part. Review of useful plants in the tropics and subtropics is submitted. Their characteristics are given, biological features are considered, data on the places of origin, on the regions where they are cultivated are characterized. Information on their use by people as food products, for medical and cosmetic purposes, in a cult and religious rites is presented. Special attention is paid to myths, tales and legends associated with these plants. Conclusion. From ancient to the present time, humanity has been using in everyday life many valuable species of subtropical and tropical plants, which are an integral part of ethnocultural traditions – folklore, religious activities, rituals and holidays, principles of generally accepted morality.
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