Initial stages of ontomorphogenesis of Ginkgo biloba L. seedlings in the conditions of the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine
ginkgo, sarcotesta, sclerotesta, auxiblasts, brachyblasts, seedbud, seed teratas.Abstract
Aim. The study of the initial stages of ontomorphogenesis of Ginkgo biloba is determined by the need for conservation, mass reproduction and introduction of this valuable plant in different regions of Ukraine. Methods. To periodize the ontogenesis of G. biloba, the classification of age states of plants developed by T. O. Rabotnov (Rabotnov, 1950) with the additions of O. O. Uranov (Uranov, 1975) was used. The description of plants in different ontogenetic states was carried out on the basis of the recommendations given in the “Ontogenetic Atlas of Plants” (Ontogenetic Atlas…, 2007). Results. As a result of studies of the initial stages of ontomorphogenesis of G. biloba seedlings, it was found that the appearance of seedlings is observed at 38 days after non-stratified seeds sowing in autumn. After 5–7 days the seedlings become mass sprouting. Seeds of the studied species have a high germination (50–85%). G. biloba plants are able to produce part of the teratological seeds, which may be the result of the preservation of the signs of ancestral forms. G. biloba seedlings are characterized by an underground type of seed germination. It is found that in the initial stages of ontomorphogenesis, the leaves of G. biloba, compared with the leaves of adult plants, differ in size, texture and dissection of the leaf blade. Conclusions. In the conditions of the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine G. biloba plants successfully pass three life periods of development and corresponding age states (from seed (sm) to early-generative state (g1)) with characteristic diagnostic signs of each of them.
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