Assessment of the woody plant species vital condition distributed on the devastated lands of the iron ore dump
дерева та чагарники, життєвий стан, девастовані землі, залізорудний відвал, Криворіжжя, гармонізація екологічного середовища.Abstract
The actuality of the research is caused by the importance of understanding the laws of natural distribution of woody and shrub plant species on devastated lands of iron ore dumps of Kryviy Rih as a theoretical prerequisite for harmonizing the ecological environment of industrial regions. The aim of the research is to assess the current vital condition of woody and shrub plant species that naturally grow on devastated lands of the iron ore dump from the standpoint of the ecosystem approach. The materials of the work were the results of our own research, which were carried out according to generally accepted methods during 2020–2021 on the territory of Petrovsky waste rock dump of Kryviy Rih iron ore basin. The assessment of the current vital condition was carried out according to the method of V. A. Alekseyev. Presently,
the vegetation on Petrovsky waste rock dump, which is a model for the region, is represented by natural groups, has a fragmented character and is a sparse forest. It has been established that 32 species of woody and shrub plant species (25 genera and 15 families) naturally grow within Petrovsky waste rock dump. The current vital condition of woody and shrub plant species in the dump was assessed as «weakened» (65–71 conventional points by V. A. Alekseyev’s scale). Such numerical values of the vitality of the forest stand are 21–28% lower than the control indicators (natural groupings of Gurivka forest). Our results indicate that the ecological conditions of the devastated lands of Petrovsky waste rock dump are relatively favourable for the growth and development of woody and shrub plant species. It was found that European birch (Betula pendula Roth.), ash-leaved maple (Acer negundo L.) and acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) are quite adapted to the habitat conditions of the dump. The vital condition of these species was assessed as «healthy»: 90–95 conventional points by V. A. Alekseyev’s scale.
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