Collection of rare woody plants species in M. M. Gryshko National Botanical garden of NAS of Ukraine
Rare woody plants, introduction, collection, conservation, botanical gardens and arboretums.Abstract
Preservation of rare plant species in nature (in situ) is an effective method of protection and maintenance of genetic diversity, but the preservation of plants ex situ is a necessary complement in modern conditions. In the M.M. Gry- shko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine to preserve and replenish the collections of plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and other protection lists is defined as one of the strategic tasks of the institution. In total, the institution has collected 190 species of plants protected by the law “On the Red Book of Ukraine”.The collection of rare and en- dangered tree and shrub plants is represented by 21 species, among which: Vulnerable — 9 (43%), Rare — 7 (33%), Endangered — 4 (14%), Not Evaluated — 1 (5%). This number of species and their representativeness is not suflcient for their successful protection ex situ. There is great prospects for expanding the collection to preserve species and spread the plants to other botanical gardens and arboretums of Ukraine.
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