Rare fraction of spontaneous flora of the garden and park landscapes of the Middle Pobuzhzhia
Червона Книга України, спонтанна флора, садово-паркові ландшафти, Середнє Побужжя.Abstract
On the territory of the garden and park landscapes of the Middle Pobuzhzhia 31 species of higher vascular plants that have national or regional protection status have been revealed or cited in literature. Of these, 9 species are listed in the current edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine, 10 species have regional protection status in Vinnytsia region and 20 species in Cherkasy region. National Dendrological Park «Sofiyivka» NAS of Ukraine has the largest number of species from the Red Data Book of Ukraine (8 species): Tulipa quercetorum, Euonymus nana, Scopolia carniolica, Allium ursinum, Pulsatilla pratensis, Pulsatilla patens, Trapa natans, Epipactis helleborine, Neottia nidus-avis. Only by one rare species were revealed in the Pechersky (Scopolia carniolica), Sokiletsky (Pulsatilla pratensis), Verkhivsky (Trapa natans) and Kryzhopilsky (Epipactis helleborine) parks. Phytoindication assessment of the identified localities showed that the most of them are on the border or even outside their ecological-coenotic amplitude by one or more factors, which indicates their vulnerability to external influences. Currently, the greatest threat to the existence of species at present is the recreational load, so according to the Law on the Red Data Book of Ukraine, they all need proper protection measures.
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