Ginkgo biloba L. drought resistance assessment in the conditions of introduction in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine


  • N. V. Tsybrovska
  • Y. N. Mazur



Ginkgo biloba L., водний дефіцит, відносна тургоресцентність, водоутримуюча та водовіднов- лююча здатність.


Introduction of an important importance acquires issues of drought resistance of plants that are closely linked to the problems of studying the water regime. The main negative consequence of modern warming is drought. Therefore, we have been conducted by drought resistance to G. biloba and its varieties of G. biloba 'Mariken' and 'Troll', which were compared with the indicators of the water mode of the aboriginal leaves for the Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine species Carpinuз betuluз L. and Acer platanoideз L. Determination of the actual and potential drought resistance of the plant studied was carried out with the help of field and laboratory techniques. It is found that all G. biloba plants are characterized by high actual drought resistance. G. biloba plants by most of the water regime exceeds the value of aboriginal species C. betuluз and A. platanoideз. This indicates a high degree of acclimatization and wide plasticity G. biloba to the conditions of introduction.



How to Cite

Tsybrovska, N. V., & Mazur, Y. N. (2021). Ginkgo biloba L. drought resistance assessment in the conditions of introduction in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of NAS of Ukraine. Journal of Native and Alien Plant Studies, (1), 291–299.