Problems with identification of medicinal plants and medicinal plant raw materials


  • Lіudmyla Hlushchenko
  • Natalia Kutsenko



authenticity, quality, regulatory documents, collection, cultivation, good practice.


Aims. The analysis of issues related to the identification of plants with medicinal properties and medicinal plant raw materials grown and collected in natural phytocenoses. Methods. Medicinal plant raw materials and phytopreparations based on them are an important and significant part of the global market for medicinal products. Regardless of the method of obtaining it — collection or cultivation, medicinal plant raw materials must meet the quality indicators determined by international pharmaceutical practice and specified in regulatory documents at the international and state levels. The system of measures used in the production process and quality control begins with the identification of the industrial or cultivation object. The processes associated with the identification of species of medicinal and essential oil plants were investigated based on problematic and scientific publications, internet resources, and personal observations. The obtained results were generalized. The experimental part of the work was carried out based on the production and experimental plantings of medicinal plants, the collection of plants in the botanical nursery, and the herbarium of the Experimental Station for Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, using production samples of raw materials, seeds, and so on. Results. The conducted research indicates that to obtain quality consumer products of plant origin that are safe and meet regulatory requirements, it is necessary to ensure quality at all stages of its production, starting with the identification of plants. Until recently, this component was considered necessary only for wild medicinal and essential oil plants. As a result of the research conducted, it has been clarified that even when growing raw materials, identification remains an important component of the production process of medicinal plant raw materials. The paper also presents the results of an analysis of the main trends in the modern production of medicinal and essential oil raw materials and identifies the most common problems associated with the identification of plants and raw materials, both during collection and cultivation. Conclusions. The most problematic aspects of the identification of medicinal plants during wild collection and cultivation of cultivated raw materials have been identified. Ways to solve some identified problems have been outlined.




How to Cite

Hlushchenko, L., & Kutsenko, N. (2024). Problems with identification of medicinal plants and medicinal plant raw materials. Journal of Native and Alien Plant Studies, (19), 38–51.


